DB2 Performance Features in DB2 V9 for z/OS — Part 1

As each version of DB2 for z/OS comes out there are always the projects that need justification for going to the next DB2 version. The huge number of DB2 performance features in DB2 Version 9 for z/OS should make your summer of 2009 your time to get to the new release. This large number of DB2 performance features in DB2 V9 for z/OS can make a huge difference in your system, database and application performance.

These large number of performance enhancements in DB2 Version 9 for z/OS also are accompanied by a large number of operational and availability enhancements that provide new functionality. The combination of all these new Version 9 features can make your life as a DBA or an application developer dramatically better.

Some of these features are discussed in my new presentation, “Improving Performance with DB2 V9 for zOS,” that has been posted for download. Also in this presentation there is a full list of all the Version 9 enhancements that is great to include as reference for a justification that management wants for your migration to the latest DB2 Version 9 for z/OS.


Dave Beulke is an internationally recognized DB2 consultant, DB2 training and DB2 education instructor.  Dave helps his clients improve their strategic direction, dramatically improve DB2 performance and reduce their CPU demand, saving millions in their systems, databases and application areas within their mainframe, UNIX and Windows environments.

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