IDUG Europe 2013 - 4 Topics on Everyone’s Mind

This year DB2 celebrates 30 years of helping clients. The IDUG conferences are always great venues to connect with colleagues from around the world.  The stories about companies, projects, and tools are very valuable to understand the truth, the hype, what is working, and how it is being done.  The following three topics seem to be on everyone’s mind.

Big Data Everyone is starting up or is being impacted by some type of Big Data initiative within their company.  From the individual that downloaded the entire data warehouse into a couple of servers to the new sensors that companies are collecting from their products to  massive marketing, Big Data infrastructures are putting every possible piece of data to work.

These Big Data efforts are mainly coming from shadow IT organizations.  One of the best analogies for these Big Data efforts is it is like the shadow IT brought home a new puppy.  As with the new puppy, it takes a while for the puppy to behave, it costs more for the new puppy toys, longer to get the house set up with new room gates, and get used to the new routines of walking the puppy too many times a day.

DB2 11 for z/OS The new DB2 11 Early Support Program (ESP) feedback has been very positive and the new release will be going GA soon.  DB2 11 for z/OS improves performance out of the box and the conference is full of IBMers and customers talking about all the details.  IDUG has put together a nice DB2 11 white paper and if you are an IDUG community website member you can download it here.

DB2 BLU The new DB2 version 10.5 with BLU acceleration has been installed for many data warehouses, and the query performance is as good as or better than advertised.  BLU Acceleration is being accepted quickly, and people are converting their database tables, especially their data warehouse fact tables, to the new columnar data store.  IBM is also looking to develop more tools to help DBAs and developers understand the advantages of the BLU columnar data store.

Cloud Computing IBM has recently been making moves into the cloud space with its purchase of cloud provider SoftLayer.  The IBM cloud projects are being developed and are rumored to be able to handle all types of workloads at a very low competitive price.  This should help everyone move applications to the cloud quickly, especially those unpredictable data warehouse and analytic workloads.

The Big Data University website is also going crazy with over 100,000 people signed up for the free Hadoop, Pive, Hive, and DB2 training.  So check it out and enroll for the free material.
I will be tweeting during the conference so follow be at @DBeulke. So those are the 4 topics that are happening before the conference so far.


I will also be presenting at the Information on Demand (IOD) conference in Las Vegas November 3-7, 2013.  I will be presenting “Big Data Disaster Recovery Performance” Wednesday November 6, at 3 pm in the Mandalay Bay North Convention Center – Banyan D.

This presentation will detail the latest techniques and design architectures to provide the best Big Data disaster recovery performance.  The various hardware and software techniques will be discussed highlighting the Flash Copy and replication procedures critical to Big Data systems these days.


Dave Beulke is a system strategist, application architect, and performance expert specializing in Big Data, data warehouses, and high performance internet business solutions.  He is an IBM Gold Consultant, Information Champion, President of DAMA-NCR, former President of International DB2 User Group, and frequent speaker at national and international conferences.  His architectures, designs, and performance tuning techniques help organization better leverage their information assets, saving millions in processing costs.

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