New z14 IBM’s Mainframe Server

The announcement last week of IBM’s new mainframe server z14 discusses how the new hardware brings more capacity and flexibility to computing than ever before. The new z14 mainframe server is a technology behemoth and has so many features that it takes a huge amount of documentation that details the specifics.

Being the nerd that . . . → Read More: New z14 IBM’s Mainframe Server

Helping Millennials Understand the Mainframe

Being a consultant specializing on performance issues exposes me to a wide variety and types of systems and platforms. Focusing on performance issues on a variety of platforms, cloud, distributed, and mainframe, I’ve realized they all have wonderful uniqueness and plenty of issues to keep me mystified, curious, and entertained. It is always interesting to . . . → Read More: Helping Millennials Understand the Mainframe

z/13 IBM’s New Mainframe Built for the Mobile, Cloud and Analytic Future

On January 13th IBM unveiled its new mainframe, the z/13. IBM mainframe System z’s world-leading reliability, availability, and scalability, coupled with its security and virtualization capabilities are needed more than ever as mobile applications take over as the most prominent and important corporate workload. Today’s corporations are embracing mobile workloads that grow at a much . . . → Read More: z/13 IBM’s New Mainframe Built for the Mobile, Cloud and Analytic Future

Four Ways to Help Millennials with the Mainframe

Thank you for all the comments on the mainframe and millennials blog entries from the previous weeks found here, here, and here. Validation of millennials’ . . . → Read More: Four Ways to Help Millennials with the Mainframe

Four Questions Millennials Don’t Want to Answer

When I work with millennials these days in all different management and programming duties, the experience is always very interesting. Each millennial has a very different point of view of IT and data processing. Even within the Big 4 consulting firms’ new hires, the college experience, IT degrees, consulting company training, and aptitude for IT . . . → Read More: Four Questions Millennials Don’t Want to Answer

Three More Reasons Why Millennials Benefit from Engaging with the Mainframe

Thanks for all the feedback from last week’s blog here on millennials and mainframe systems. This week I talk about what other attributes and ideas the millennials can get from the mainframe systems, their development, and the people who support the technology.

Millennials can learn corporate business rules from the mainframe. Some mainframe systems . . . → Read More: Three More Reasons Why Millennials Benefit from Engaging with the Mainframe

Four Facts Millennials Need to Know about the Mainframe

When I talk to millennials coming into management and programming it appears that their knowledge of the mainframe is very limited or non-existent. Since many universities have stopped teaching mainframe classes, the recent college graduates don’t even have a basic understanding of the mainframe computing model, much less its advantages and why it endures through . . . → Read More: Four Facts Millennials Need to Know about the Mainframe

3 Use Cases for Optim Workload Replay

The complexity of the systems, databases and applications continues to get worse. Getting a clear understanding of all the existing applications’ processing, dependencies, and workloads only gets more complicated and difficult to understand. As more complexity gets added to your in-house applications, or new versions of packaged applications are leveraged for their new features, the . . . → Read More: 3 Use Cases for Optim Workload Replay

IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator: 5 Performance Enhancements in the New Version 4.1

The IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator (IDAA) continues to be improved, and the Version 4.1 enhancements really help take your SQL program performance to the next level. The following five changes within Version 4.1 of IBM’s DB2 Analytics Accelerator increase its flexibility, availability, workload balancing, and sharing capabilities.

IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator adoption rate accelerates. The . . . → Read More: IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator: 5 Performance Enhancements in the New Version 4.1

Mainframe Is Still Cheaper: Cost Analysis of the Infrastructure

Working with various companies over the years I’ve found that mainframe customers usually have figures on the zOS mainframe utilization and DB2 performance statistics from their DB2 database environments. I am always amazed when working with DB2 LUW customers that these companies only create historical utilization and performance figures for the UNIX or Windows environments . . . → Read More: Mainframe Is Still Cheaper: Cost Analysis of the Infrastructure