Free Tools for DB2 Help You Improve SQL Access and DB2 Performance

Analyzing SQL access  and DB2 performance is difficult without any tools. The Optimization Service Center (OSC) is a great tool and resource within DB2 V9 for z/OS.  This tool helps you with the cost of the SQL, Visual Explain of the access path and provides the ability to dump and then look through the Dynamic Statement Cache of active SQL.

Another great free tool is Data Studio.  The built-in Java editor, integrated standard debugger with breakpoints, and memory capabilities help developers understand their code.  Also, its ability to browse database objects and do a Visual Explain against the SQL is a great free asset for your developers to help them understand SQl and DB2 performance.

IBM has several great tiny free tools for DB2 for z/OS and DB2 LUW that can help your company with development such as the free version of Data Studio, DB2 Estimator, DBRM Finder, Text Search Server and others.  To download these free tools go here:

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