Improve DB2 Performance by Reducing Your Other Time

DB2 performance tuning is always different for every system and application. In addition, the different DB2 LUW DBM configurations and z/OS zParms provide customizable options to improve your system and application DB2 performance mix. These parameters are usually standard with the DB2 LUW AUTOCONFIGURE options. The DB2 z/OS standard settings from years of previous versions . . . → Read More: Improve DB2 Performance by Reducing Your Other Time

What DB2 Tools Do You Use Most for DB2 Performance?

The comments about Optimization Service Center (OSC) and the free Data Studio were great last week. Sorry I could not reply because I am working with clients on their DB2 performance issues. I’m only able to look through the DB2-L Digest in the evenings.

I agree that IBM has a great free product in OSC . . . → Read More: What DB2 Tools Do You Use Most?

Free Tools for DB2 Help You Improve SQL Access and DB2 Performance

Analyzing SQL access and DB2 performance is difficult without any tools. The Optimization Service Center (OSC) is a great tool and resource within DB2 V9 for z/OS. This tool helps you with the cost of the SQL, Visual Explain of the access path and provides the ability to dump and then look through the Dynamic . . . → Read More: Free Tools for DB2 Help You Improve Access Performance